Neurological Conditions Are The Biggest Cause Of Health Issues Worldwide

Neurological Conditions Are The Biggest Cause Of Health Issues Worldwide

Modern lifestyles are destroying our brains. But there is hope… 

Neurological conditions are now the leading cause of health problems worldwide, affecting a staggering 3.4 billion people (43% of the global population).

 These conditions - including migraines, strokes, Parkinson's disease and dementia - resulted in 11.1 million deaths in 2021 alone.

The increase in brain disorders has many reasons, including a growing population and longer life expectancy.

But it’s also things like exposure to toxins, poor metabolic health, and increased consumption of processed foods.

Grim statistics

Globally, stroke stands out as the condition with the most significant disease burden, alongside things like meningitis, epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, and nervous system cancers.

Tension headaches and migraines are among the most common neurological disorders, affecting billions of individuals. 

Notably, nerve damage from diabetes is the fifth-ranking global health concern, highlighting the alarming rise in cases of type 2 diabetes.

NHS strain

In the UK, Brain Research UK reports that one in six people live with some form of neurological condition.

2.6 million people in the UK are dealing with the effects of traumatic brain injury or stroke, while almost a million people suffer from dementia - a number expected to surpass a million by 2030.

However, a recent analysis of classical Greek and Roman medical texts found that dementia was extremely rare 2,000 to 2,500 years ago.

So perhaps it’s our modern lifestyle that's causing this devastating condition.


If reading these statistics shocks you (it should), then understand that there are steps you can take to prevent neurological problems. 

However, don’t expect governments or the healthcare industry to offer any solutions. 

They are incentivised by short term goals of profit and power, rather than the long-term health of the population. 

If we are going to address the escalating global burden of neurological conditions, we must individually take responsibility for our health. 

Here are some ways we can do just that…

  • Reduce blood pressure

One thing the study suggests is keeping your blood pressure in check. 

The researchers believe that doing this could stop a whopping 84% of strokes, along with the disabilities and early deaths they cause.

The best natural ways to reduce blood pressure are: regular exercise, reducing sugar and refined grains, intermittent fasting, stress-reduction techniques like meditation, and consuming mushrooms

  • Maintain stable blood sugar levels

When blood sugar levels rise and fall too much and too quickly, brain function can be compromised.

This can cause symptoms such as confusion, irritability, and brain fog.

Poorly controlled blood sugar levels can also promote inflammation and oxidative stress throughout the body, including the brain.

Brain inflammation is linked to various neurological disorders, including depression, bipolar disorder, and Alzheimer’s.

The best natural ways to maintain stable blood sugar levels? 

A high-protein diet with minimal refined carbs and sugar, regular exercise, intermittent fasting, and stress-reduction techniques like meditation. Oh, and consuming mushrooms

  • Keep inflammation low 

High levels of inflammation are very common and directly contribute to neurological disorders including depression, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. 

The best natural ways to keep inflammation low are: minimising processed foods and sugar, regular exercise, spending time in nature, socialising, stress-reduction, and, you guessed it, consuming mushrooms

Physical health = mental health = metabolic health 

You may have noticed that many of the above mentioned solutions overlap. And there's a good reason for this. 

You see, scientists are starting to realise that mental health and physical health are essentially the same thing - two sides of the same coin. 

Improve one and you improve the other. Neglect one, and the both will suffer. 

What ties them together is metabolism. 

Metabolism is the process that happens to turn the food you eat into the energy your body needs for everyday tasks like breathing, moving, and thinking. 

Metabolism also handles making and breaking down molecules that help your body grow, heal, and stay in good shape.

When we talk about metabolic health, we're basically talking about how well this whole process is running in your body. 

If everything's going smoothly, it means your body is using energy and nutrients from food efficiently. 

When there are problems with metabolism, there will be problems in the way cells function, leading to disease. 


When seen through this lens, neurological disorders can be considered metabolic disorders of the brain.    

And this is why Interventions such as diet, exercise, stress reduction, sleep management, toxin avoidance, and certain supplements can effectively treat neurological disorders in many people.

With this new knowledge, taking control of your brain health can start today. 

And if you do, there’s a good chance you can prevent becoming part of the one third of people world-wide suffering from a serious neurological condition. 

One of the most effective dietary supplements for promoting metabolic health are mushrooms. 

But if you don’t like them (like me), then consider taking a highly concentrated mushroom extract, like the ones we offer here

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