Very difficult now I'm taking the full bundle to tell what's going on but i must say things are changing. 1. i am sleeping better why ? since i can remember i only pass stool once a day yeah that's right and that's when i wake up normally around 6:00 am. Ok I'm now doing two possible three times a day this now means I'm not going to bed with three meals festering all night in my gut a lot less flatulence as well as less tossing and turning. Dont think you need to be a doctor to no this is a good thing. Anyone reading this can do the maths better sleep better life trust me massive change for me. 2. Neuroplasticity I have a few guilty pleasures like we all do and now theses either are less appealing so doing far less and I'm able to talk may self off or out of what ever that maybe . less guilty pleasures is a good thing i think. There is more but i have only been on theses for three months so i need more time to see all the benefits. Must say the Tiger milk doesn't have enough in the pack and should be brought up to the same amount as the rest i.e. two months worth if your taking two a day . This make's the tiger milk one of the most expensive out of the bundle. But that said I'm not stopping the tiger Milk I'm defiantly feeling the neuroplasticity, this is liberating as you feel that you have more control and don't find yours self doing things you end up kicking your self for after forwards.