Alzheimer’s is a horrible disease.
I know because my Grandad suffered from it.
As a result, my mum is now terrified of also getting it.
So when I came across an article recently in the Express, I had to send it to her.
The article shares 8 tips for reducing your Alzheimer’s risk from 30 leading brain experts from around the world.
And they are really good tips (which is surprising for a mainstream news company).
I sent the article to my mum as she tends to take advice on board more when it comes from ‘experts’ rather than me.
The 8 tips are copied below.
However, while none of the experts mention the role that mushrooms can play in preventing Alzheimer’s, I noticed that many of the tips could be accomplished with the help of mushrooms.
Therefore, here are the 8 tips - and I’ve added a bit in brackets stating how mushrooms can help…
- Cut down on carbs and glycemic load by avoiding sugar and opting for a low-glycemic diet (mushrooms are low in carbs and have a low glycemic index)
- Increase intake of healthy fats through fish consumption and omega-3 and vitamin D supplements (mushrooms don’t contain fat but do produce vitamin D when exposed to UV light)
- Incorporate B vitamins to maintain low homocysteine levels (mushrooms are rich in B vitamins including riboflavin, or B-2, folate, or B-9, thiamine, or B-1, pantothenic acid, or B-5, and niacin, or B-3.)
- Consume antioxidants found in vegetables, berries and spices (and mushrooms!)
- Maintain gut health (all mushrooms are great for the gut)
- Stay physically active with exercise and muscle-building activities (cordyceps improves oxygen usage and energy levels|)
- Keep mentally active through social and intellectual engagement (lion’s mane helps neurons grow and form new connections, improving memory, mood and focus)
- Prioritise sleep and stress management (mushrooms like reishi and lion’s mane can help with sleep)
Tips explained by the experts
Professor Jin-Tai Yu, a leading expert from Fudan University in Shanghai, suggests that targeting known risk factors, such as lowering homocysteine levels with B vitamins and increasing omega-3 intake from oily fish, could prevent up to 80 percent of dementia cases.

Dr. Bill Harris, an omega-3 expert, emphasises the importance of including plenty of this fatty acid in the diet, recommending supplementation and consumption of omega-3 rich fish like salmon, mackerel, anchovies, sardines, and herring.
Professor David Smith from the University of Oxford highlights the significance of diet and lifestyle changes, citing research showing 73 percent less brain shrinkage in those taking B vitamin supplements alongside sufficient omega-3.
Meat (pork, beef, etc.), poultry (chicken, turkey, etc.), and fish (tuna, salmon, etc.) are the best sources of vitamin B3, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12. Mushrooms aren’t far behind.
Dr. Robert Lustig, an Emeritus professor from the University of California, warns against excessive sugar intake, which he identifies as a primary driver of Alzheimer’s.
Dr. Georgia Ede, a psychiatrist trained at Harvard, recommends reducing carbohydrates, noting the association between Alzheimer's and insulin resistance, suggesting that a ketogenic diet may help by improving insulin sensitivity and providing energy to the brain through ketones.
Assistant Professor Tommy Wood from the University of Washington stresses the importance of exercise in preventing Alzheimer's, particularly emphasising the benefits of building muscle mass and strength, even if one starts exercising later in life.
He also underscores the essential role of adequate sleep in brain recovery.
I don’t want to see another family member get Alzheimer’s.
Which is why I believe that prioritising our brain health is one of the most important things we can do.
The tips outlined above are excellent, and mushrooms are also a great tool to help keep your brain healthy.
You can read the full article here.
And I’ve written a more detailed article about preventing Alzheimer’s disease here.